Getting Started
Phase 1
- To project the amount of credits, refunds and savings due to your company.
Items required:
- All telecom invoices for two, preferably three, months. We can handle either printed or electronic formats.
- A contact person for questions, inquiries and to assist in checking lines if necessary.
- Copies of your telecom contracts.
Time required:
- Typically, this process takes 7-60 days, depending on the size of the organization and the availability of information.
Phase 2
- Report of credits, refunds, and savings will be presented to you.
- The Alsatian team will work with you to develop the best solution, taking into consideration the process, pricing and specific changes that will maximize your savings.
- Contract for proceeding to Phase 3 signed, including limited power of attorney to work with Local Exchange Carriers (LEC) and other carriers to recover funds.
- Future payment arrangements made – hourly or percentage basis, or a combination of both.
Phase 3
Items required:
- All telecom invoices for the agreed time frame (based on your contracts, location, and number of months available for claims in your specific case).
- Future invoices to allow the Alsatian team to make sure you’re getting the credits issued that are due.
- A contact person as liaison with the Alsatian team.
Time required:
- The time is variable, based on the underlying carriers that provide your services.